samedi 30 mars 2013


Autosuffisance-collectif Clinaix-n°1

Il faisait noir derrière les nuages.



Ses yeux balladeurs.

Nous sommes cachés.

Un papillon avec un interrupteur sur le ventre.

Muse avec mes oeufs


Dandylion bonjour.


Larmes volcan

Tree's hands

un deux trois...

Margot les cheveux court.

Museau dans une nuit


Masse flotante


La femme aux chiens


                                                                   Some of them made me inspired...



Respiration de cochon.



                                                                        Elle pleure sa douce folie.

Beautiful escape.

                                                                 When Dragon was sick years ago.


                                                           Quand ils sont partis le tonnerre a grondé...

La passante d'une nuit

Quand on se perd parfois on l'entend aboyer...

un padawan sous la pluie.

Ma photo
The stories I track live at the mercy of the drives of my heart. They become a need, a mechanism that allows me to exist. I am master of my images-stories but also possessed. My work revolves around my reveries and constructed or staged spaces, made of microcosms colors injured but also of hope. He speaks of Man and especially women. And then there's my thirst for discovery, my curiosity kind of world, the human world. I traveled here and there in Asia and Europe before living for two years in Australia. My interest in aboriginal peoples and the splendor of nature, was tenfold at that time and became the essence of my work. Passionate about music, I also create stop motion animations (modeling) and 2D video clips. I am also graphic designer / web, I create web and print visuals.